Thursday, January 1, 2015


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On this New Year’s day I hold up in my prayers all those families who were unable to be together this past Christmas, either due to military service, illness or some other reason. I pray whatever the circumstances may have been; the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ will be experienced by all peoples wherever they may be.

As we look back on the past year and forward to the upcoming year of 2015, there are many things to give thanks for, some things to grieve, and much to look forward to as we strive to be faithful and obedient to our Lord's call on our lives. The Archdiocese of California has much to look forward to in the coming New Year. We pray for the dedication of men and women to answer the call of our Savior, to serve him and go forth in the establishment of new parishes at home and abroad. Most certainly the vocation of monastic life will hold itself out to many. May God grant you his peace and knowledge to each of you in your spiritual decisions?

Many have been deeply touched by the generosity of so many of you throughout the Archdiocese this past year as you have freely given of your time, talent and treasure in support of the ministry of your home parishes, the wider Archdiocese and the Old Roman Catholic Church worldwide, as well as the special needs that have arisen and been met through your gifts to your parishes annual appeal and various other appeals.

As we hear of all the trials and struggles of our friends around the world, it helps keep things in perspective and serves as a reminder of how truly blessed we are in this country despite our own trials, challenges and struggles. Whatever we or our friends face, whether here or abroad, knowing that Christ is with us, even in the most difficult of circumstances, makes all the difference. It is that reality that we celebrate this on coming New Year giving thanks to God for the precious gift of His Son that first Christmas morning.

In closing, I pray that Almighty God who, through his love,  poured upon us the new light of His incarnate Word would grant that this Light, enkindled in our hearts, may shine forth in our lives and that He will plant in every heart the love of Him who is Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. Amen.

May you and all those you hold dear have a Happy New Year!

Your Brother in Christ,
+ Bobby C. Hall
Most Rev. Bobby C. Hall, DD
Auxiliary Bishop

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